Sunday, May 30, 2010

We meet Alex's friends

Dear Truman: This story is for you. Since you couldn't go with us to Germany, I thought you should at least be able to read the story of our adventures. I hope you enjoy them! I wrote them in reverse order, so the first entry you see on this blog is about the beginning of the trip, not the end.

Friday, May 7, 2010:

Lisa is the girl with the blonde hair. Sandra is the girl with dark hair. They are both your mommy's good friends and they both live in Germany. They took us to lunch as soon as we got off our plane. Your mommy had a salad that had lots of fruit and vegetables in it. Can you tell what they are?

Our aqua hotel

This is the hotel we stayed at, Truman. Everything was colored aqua, like water. The best part was the TV screen in our room. Play the video to see what it did!

Our first night in Munich -- The Hofbrauhaus!

Truman -- The Hofbrauhaus is the biggest beer hall in the world. I think it's bigger than the entire town of Bemidji where I live! People go there and drink mugs of beer that are as big as the jugs of milk in your refrigerator! They also play funny music, wear funny clothes and eat sausages and sauerkraut. Yum!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Play these videos of fun things to do in the Altstadt of Munich!

We visit the Sophie Scholl memorial

When you get older, Truman, your mom will tell you the whole story of Sophie Scholl. She and her brother were heroes many years ago before Grandma was born. They started something called the "White Rose" movement while they were students at the university. They tried to stop the bad men in Germany from taking over and hurting people. Some of the writing she handed out to people has been preserved in the sidewalk for us to see.

This is the library where Sandra studies every day!

How can she climb those stairs all the time? Can you count how many there are???
What animal is holding the railing that Sandra uses when she climbs those stairs?

Alex and Grandma enjoy their coffee

What shape is in Mommy's coffee?

Do you think your mom should have bought one of these paintings? If so, which one?

Why is this cow statue painted these colors?

Ask your mom what it says on the cow. What do you think?

A really, really fancy church

This church was filled with gold, jewels and beautiful colors. But do you see the scary skeleton???

Should your mommy buy these clothes for herself and your dad?

Mommy meets up with her friends for a beer

Mommy met her friend Sandra when she was going to school in Austria. She met Lisa when she was really, really young, not much older than you. Lisa's husband is the guy sitting at the table. Isn't is funny how they're all now meeting up in Germany? They are all very happy to see each other.

Do you like this music, Truman? I sure did.

Some store windows I thought you'd like

Do you like toys? Do you like gelato? I thought so.

Grandma's Mutterstag Geschenk

Did you remember that Grandma is your mom's mommy? Well, Alex gave me a pretty necklace she made and pictures of YOU for Mutterstag. Can you see how happy it made me?

This tall tower is called a "maypole"

You can ask your mommy about it, Truman. i know it's called "Maibaum" in Germany. It's very tall and raised every year for May 1st, which is called May Day. It's usually a holiday in Germany to celebrate people who work hard. I think they keep it up at least until the end of May every year -- maybe longer. It's very pretty, isn't it?

Mommy at the top of the world in Munich

On Mutterstag, Sandra, your mommy and I climbed up hundred and hundreds of stairs in a windy, old tower of a big church way up to the top. Our legs hurt from it, but it was worth all the work. Look at the view we had of this beautiful city! Wow!

A Visit to the Munich City Museum

We definitely saw some interesting and unusual things in this museum. Would you agree?

Your mommy speaks in German!

On Mother's Day (Mutterstag) we met up with _______'s aunt, Monika at the City Cafe in Munich. She seems very nice and wanted to hear all about _____ and you. Isn't that funny, that your mom can travel way far away to another country and see your friend's aunt? We all had yummy things to eat. Does Sandra's special drink look good to you?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Olympic Park in Munich

You'd like this place a lot, Truman. Way back in the olden days (1972) the Summer Olympic Games were held in Munich. The Olympics are where people from all over the world come together and have contests in things like swimming, running, jumping and many other fun things. Anyway, Munich built this little city for the Olympics. It has places for people to live, stadiums for races, swimming pools and many other things. Here are some photos from our visit.

Have you ever seen trees like this?

You have them all over Portland and they're called horse chestnut trees. (What a funny name!) They're all over Munich too, and they call them Rosskastaniebaum. Have your mom pronounce it for you. They get big fat nuts on them in the fall. Last fall, a bunch of them fell on Kent's car and made dents in it!

Do you think your mom should have a bike like this?

I think Alex likes this church

There are so many really really big and really really beautiful churches in Germany. We really liked this one. Do you?

A nice grandma in a beautiful setting

A beautiful mommy with beautiful lilacs


These strange creatures are called gargoyles, Truman. they are everywhere in Germany, especially on churches and many old buildings. Do you think they're cute, funny or scary?