Sunday, May 30, 2010

We meet Alex's friends

Dear Truman: This story is for you. Since you couldn't go with us to Germany, I thought you should at least be able to read the story of our adventures. I hope you enjoy them! I wrote them in reverse order, so the first entry you see on this blog is about the beginning of the trip, not the end.

Friday, May 7, 2010:

Lisa is the girl with the blonde hair. Sandra is the girl with dark hair. They are both your mommy's good friends and they both live in Germany. They took us to lunch as soon as we got off our plane. Your mommy had a salad that had lots of fruit and vegetables in it. Can you tell what they are?

Our aqua hotel

This is the hotel we stayed at, Truman. Everything was colored aqua, like water. The best part was the TV screen in our room. Play the video to see what it did!

Our first night in Munich -- The Hofbrauhaus!

Truman -- The Hofbrauhaus is the biggest beer hall in the world. I think it's bigger than the entire town of Bemidji where I live! People go there and drink mugs of beer that are as big as the jugs of milk in your refrigerator! They also play funny music, wear funny clothes and eat sausages and sauerkraut. Yum!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Play these videos of fun things to do in the Altstadt of Munich!

We visit the Sophie Scholl memorial

When you get older, Truman, your mom will tell you the whole story of Sophie Scholl. She and her brother were heroes many years ago before Grandma was born. They started something called the "White Rose" movement while they were students at the university. They tried to stop the bad men in Germany from taking over and hurting people. Some of the writing she handed out to people has been preserved in the sidewalk for us to see.

This is the library where Sandra studies every day!

How can she climb those stairs all the time? Can you count how many there are???
What animal is holding the railing that Sandra uses when she climbs those stairs?

Alex and Grandma enjoy their coffee